Finishing the Edges of the Garment
Finishing the Edges of the Garment
The edges of the garment can be finished before the sleeves are set in. This makes the garment easier to handle. Fold the front and neck edges to the inside along the thread tracing line. Catch-stitch to the garment to hold the edges in place. Fold the lining over so that it sits just short of the edges. Clip the neck edge slightly if needed to turn the edge under. Baste the edges of the silk lining to the garment using 100 weight silk thread and a fine beading needle. Fell-stitch the lining to the garment.

Silk lining is turned under and basted to the garment.
To keep the edges from puffing and possibly showing on the outside of the garment, pick-stitch the lining to the garment. Stitches can be a narrow 1/4" back from the edge of the lining.

Lining is pick-stitched to hold it flat.