Traditional motifs for gold buttons include a lion's head, four leaf clover, interlocking Cs or a flower. I found gold buttons with a flower but they were a touch too small so I decided to make the buttons larger by framing them with a bit of green leather using a brass curtain ring as a form. Here's how I did it:

1. Cut a circle of leather slightly bigger than the curtain ring.

2. Run a small gathering stitch around the outer edge of the circle using a glover's needle.

3. Put a small amount of rubber cement on the wrong side of the leather. Position the curtain ring in the center of the leather.

4. Pull up the gathering thread and knot off.

5. Use an awl to even out the gathers.

6. I had a small metal disc, which fit perfectly into the center of the covered ring.

7. I tapped the disc lightly with a hammer to flatten the gathers.

8. Covered curtain ring with flattened gathers.

9. Use a leather hole punch to punch a very small hole in the center of the leather.

10. Put a bit of rubber cement on the covered curtain ring.

11. Sink the wire back of the gold metal flower button through the punched hole.

12. The wire shank can then be sewn to the garment.