Linen Knit Cardigan: Sewing Techniques Tee Party Recreating Favorite Tees
To create casings for the draw cords of the Linen knit cardigan begin by finishing the edges of the 1" wide seam allowances with a row of serging or zigzag. Sew the seam and press it open.

Baste the edges of the seam allowances to the garment and then sew over the basting.

Sewn casing

Once the casing is completed, pull the cords through the casing and secure them with a row of stitching at the underarm before the sleeve is inserted. The drawcords for my garment were made from the

Finished casings with draw cords.
The elastic in the back of the cardigan pulls the garment in slightly and eliminates excess fullness. The two rows of elastic are inserted into a casing. To create the casing, place

a scrap of fabric under the placement lines. Stitch three rows of stitching to create the casing. Thread the elastic through the two openings. Secure one end with a row of stitching. Pull up the elastic to the desired width, stitch across the end and trim away any excess.